Welcome to Uncle Hasan's Customer Services

Welcome to Uncle Hasan's Customer Services

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Welcome to Uncle Hasan's Customer Services

"Ugh" said Sibel... Her inner voice came out. She didn't have the patience to call customer service and wait for hours listening the recordings saying, "Press this, press that." 

“Why don't we talk to anyone in person? Was it like this before? Does everyone have that much time to spend listening to press like said? "In this age of technology, why do I have to wait so long to do this process?"

While listing her complaints, luckily, she was connected to a customer representative.

- Hello, I am Dilsah. How can I help?

- Hello, I will change the tariff that I am currently using. 

- .......

- You can go to our nearest branch and have your transaction done.

For Sibel, the issue was urgent and had priority. She ran to the nearest branch. She started to explain her problem in full:

I… I want....Tariff…

However, we cannot change the tariff from here, you have to do it from customer services, madam...

Well now I'm coming from there!


She felt like laughing along with anger. Why do people do their jobs so carelessly? In the past, the grocery store owner used to say "No more left!" instead "No” in short. In other words, there was etiquette in saying "No." She went back to the past saying...

While she was heading home, in the distress of not being able to complete the work, her phone rang. The caller was Uncle Hasan. They met after the Malatya earthquake. Uncle Hasan was farming in the Kürecik mountains in Malatya. He could not sell his products after the earthquake. Sibel had also been making a small contribution to him by shopping since those difficult days. Sibel learned that Uncle Hasan now opened a stall in the organic market in Istanbul. She was happy hearing that. 


- Sibel, I have newly picked apricots. They are delicious this year, would you like them?

- Uncle Hasan, let me buy 10 kg, if possible.

- I'll bring them home tonight. I'm at the organic market, would you like some vegetables and fruits from here, Sibel? I don't sell it, but should I buy what you need from here and bring it along with the apricots?

- Uncle Hasan, thank you for your thoughtful suggestion!


Towards the evening, he delivered the products. Not only he brought the apricots he also added a kilo of organic apples. Sibel was touched. “Despite he doesn't sell groceries he considers doing my shopping. And on top of that, he offers me apples. "It's nice that there are still people among us who can think of someone other than themselves."


Two months after, Uncle Hasan called again.

- Sibel, the apricots are dried, do you want some?

- I would like to, Uncle Hasan…

- We also have grapes that we dried. We made molasses from pears. There is also mulberry molasses.

- Okay, Uncle Hasan, bring a jar each. My husband has diabetes,, that’s why I do not buy much.

- Then let me bring some shiraz extract for him as well.

- Oh how nice!


She had no clue what shiraz extract was. However, if Uncle Hasan proposed it, there is certainly some wisdom in it. What a nice way of communication to care about someone else's problems. Uncle Hasan again brought the goods to Sibel on time, as he promised. A week later, Sibel got a message from him;


- Did your husband like the shiraz extract? Does his glucoselevel get lower? Don't forget it needs to be used morning and evening for treatment...

Welcome to Uncle Hasan's Customer Services

Two different customer services, two different communication styles, two different relationships. On one side some interrupts others and does not even listen to their problems. On the other side others brings the goods to customers from Malatyathinking of their needs. Even after selling the goods, theywonders about their satisfaction and benefits.

Unfortunately, one needs to market its product and find new customers every time. The other one has a ready customer. He doesn't need to market or re-explain himself.

One is always in the dimension of communication, the other is in the relationship...

Can communication turn into relationship?

Or can relationship turn into communication?

Yes! With unchanging rules that are valid at all times, for all people and for all subjects...


  1. When you learn to communication you can lead the group… the exact solutions is that to learn how to communication turn into relationship…

  2. every house needs it

  3. Yes! With unchanging rules that are valid at all times, for all people and for all subjects...👌


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